
by 08:31 0 comments

¢How many props do you need?

we will need around 14 props, all of which will add to the mise en scene. This will give the audience more evidence to who the character is and what is may be capable of.

¢What do you need? and why?

glass - this will be to poor the whisky into
whiskey (bells whisky) - showing the characters desire to drink and his alcholism
apple juice - to replace the whisky with
old wine bottles and beer cans - connoting his alcoholism
cigarettes - showing the negatives as he is addicted to cigarettes as well, this also shows how
broken lighter - this is necessary as we cant have our actor smoking as he does not smoke as well as the fact that it is against safety obligations to smoke inside, this way we can show his need for a cigarette without creating any health hazards
used ash tray - to show that he has smoked there before 
police documents or police badge - this gives the character a link with the police whether it be him working for the police or him getting many police notices
newspapers - this gives another element to the messyness of the room to show the character has lost control of his life
framed photo of a young girl (his daughter) - this gives a connection to his daughter, that way the audience can see he feels some sort of regret or guilt with something that happened with the girl in the photo
hammer - this will be used in the first room to show to the audience that the character is not exactly a 'good guy' and the he will use it to kill the girl in the other room
duck tape and rope -  to tie up the teenage girl

¢Do you need to make or add anything?

I need to print out the police documents and make sure there are several different kinds and make them look read or old.
I also need to purchase a lighter and break it so that our actor does not accidentally light the cigarette, for safety reasons.
The whisky needs to be emptied and filled with the apple juice. I need to make sure that the whisky bottle is completely empty and clean so that it does not taste like a mixture of apple juice and whisky. We do not want to have a drunk actor by the end of our shoot.

¢Where are you getting them?

The glasses will be at Jamie's house
The whiskey and the apple juice will be purchased by Georgie's mum and will be taken to the shoot by the actor as none of u sin the group are 18
The old bottles and beer cans will be brought in by all of us as we want a large amount of them so we have asked our parents to keep whatever bottles they finish for us to use
The cigarettes are being purchased by Jamies father.
I have asked my sister to purchase a lighter and I looked up how to disconnect the gas from the spark to make it not work
The ashtray was bought by Jamie as we wanted a crystal ashtray
I have to order a badge online however i have found it quite difficult to find a real enough looking badge so as a back up i will print out police documents that will be just as effective
The newspapers are being collected by each member of the group from different family memebers to have enough for the shoot day
The photo and frame will be taken from Jamies house as he has many photos of his elder sisters that will work for the role of the daughter.
The hammer is being brought in by one of our teachers as he got it from the theatre department, and Jamie will have one at his house for back up
The duck tape is being bought by Jamie and Georgie is bringing in the rope



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