Evaluation Question 1

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Comparing my thriller to the film Taken and opening sequence of A Walk Among The Tombstones

Shot for shot of both films look at the framing, camera work, lighting, mise-en-scene etc.

The mise en scene was similar between Taken and Blanched as Taken has a lot of alcohol related props, as well as the main character having the costume of a retired man.  

The lighting in most of the mans early scenes in his house are very dark, which contrasts to Blanched as there is a lot of natural lighting that makes the scene more vibrant, however when the main character in Blanched walks into the other room the lighting changes and as it is darker and more sinister it resembles the lighting in Taken.

 Also the use of hidden identity is used in both my thriller and Taken, as we do not see the kidnappers in the beginning of Taken, we only see their feet and backs. In Blanched, you can not see the victims face, we only see a point of view shot from her.

The use of low angles is also used as a similarity between both Taken and my Thriller to give the main character a sinister and more daunting look. In Taken, the low angles are not as drastic as the ones in Blanched because the main character in Blanched is the villain where as the main character in Taken is not. 

A Walk Among the Tombstones
A similarity between the three films is the use of close ups on props to give a certain significance to that object/prop. The prop in Taken that is a huge significance is the photo of his daughter in the title opening sequence, where as there are several in Blanched such as the cigarette and the glass of whisky. In A Walk Among The Tombstones, we get close up shots of the woman's necklace and her ring.
A Walk Among the Tombstones

A Walk Among the Tombstones


Blanched and A Walk Among the Tombstones both use two different locations in their opening title sequence, which creates an aspect of mystery and curiosity. 

A Walk Among the Tombstones

The Framing in Blanched and A Walk Among the Tombstones is also very similar as A Walk Among the Tombstones does not focus on the whole face of the woman, it focuses on different aspects such as eyes where as in Blanched we focused on his lips, and beard.

Plot line/characters similar to the ones introduced in both films:

    When Bryan Mills flies to Paris he listens to the voice recording of the kidnapper and his one line 'good luck' over and over again. This sense of repetition shows his determination towards his daughter as well as him nearing to insanity. The repetition parallels with our thriller as continuously drinks in the title sequence, and throughout the film we would have him finding different clues that would therefore lead to the true reasoning for his daughters death. The main theme between Taken and Blanched is the concerned father having a dedication and determination to their daughter, whether it is finding her or finding out what led her to kill herself. 

    A Walk Among the Tombstones
    In A Walk Among the Tombstones there is obviously a male main character which related to Blanched however, through the opening sequence there seems to be a theme of crime and insanity in the film that coincides with Blanched. Also the fact that the opening sequence, like the opening sequence of Blanched, is very slow paced and has a soundtrack that creates an creepy and intimidating vibe for the audience.

Title font, have you used similar titles and font:

We used similar title techniques as in Taken they decided to go for the black background and white text as our main colour to display titles, as well as us using a similar text font. They also used fade ins and fade outs for the titles as we did for our director to create a more sinister, thriller-like film.

A Walk Among the Tombstones
The title sequence of A Walk Among the Tombstones, has a similar font that is being used in Blanched, however most of the tiles, like in Taken, appear over a shot. 

What have you changed, and whats different between yours and Taken:
    For our title sequence we wanted to use a flashback to create the mood of our film, like in taken, however we decided to make a sequence that immediately showed the father in a depressed and miserable state which is then what the 'Taken' title sequence becomes. We also shot a photo frame of a young girl as in taken, to create a connection between the father and daughter for the audience to see. However we chose not to include this as we did not want to reveal too much in our title sequence.



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