2) A detailed Panning of the room with a series of close ups of individual props.
3) Close up of the table as he puts his whiskey glass down and pours bells whiskey into glass.
4) Walking with drink with sound effects of the ice in the whiskey glass. Maybe try tracking shot.
5) Sits down (ALL OF THIS IS A SHOT OF THE BACK OF HIM) mid shot
6) over the shoulder shot of his drinking the drink, party music fades in halfway through his drink.
7) Forcefully puts drink onto side table close up and then the glass shakes with the same beat of the music.
8) Takes cigarettes out of his jacket pocket, with the ash tray already on the side table high angle close up and with the hammer on the side table also being revealed.
10) Close up of the back of his head with movement of frustration as he gets angry we zoom out and get him throwing the lighter at the wall.
11) Music gets louder and we get a side view and close up of his face with a facial expression of frustration.
12) Tilt down to feet where we reveal a close up of Florence and her situation.
13) then there is knocking at the door and the father turns his face to the door revealing a mid shot of his concern.
14) sounds join together and get bigger with a p.o.v shot of her viewpoint of him looking down at her. The phone rings whilst this is happening and he still looks intensely at her with no reaction the sound.
15) Eye line match shot of his face (close up) and then a (close up) of the hammer.
16) carries on with a close up of his face as he moves to get the hammer and moves back in to the shot and back into the same place.
17) her p.o.v shot of him about to hit her with the hammer, with the sounds coming to an optimum climax
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