
by 01:35 0 comments

We have decided to use 2 actors. The main actor is going to be the middle aged man, for this character we looked at a teacher who may have a bear or some dirty/old looking feature. We looked into using Ted Jackson, however he was busy at that time. Then, we approached Mike, our media teacher, although he was quite young for the part we asked him to keep his hair greasy and that his beard would be messy. The conventions of having a beard and long greasy hair shows that he has lost control of his life and does not care about his appearance.
The second actor was a 17 year old girl, who is an A2 at our school. We used Florence as we knew she could pull off the character as she is in the Acting Company at our school. We wanted someone who looks somewhat innocent but as well could be quite sinister looking. She has dark brown/black hair and dark eyes. This makes her look innocent and sinister at the same time.
Both actors are free on the 22nd of January to film for the whole day if we need to, and if necessary.



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