How does your media product represent particular social groups through the use of camera work?

With camera work we were able to experiment with different angles as well as shots. We used close ups on the man's face to show the detail of his drink and his beard, therefore showing his character as messy and broken, as well as being effective for representation the close ups show detail on the characters face to determine his age. We also have close ups on the actual glass, as he is pouring the whisky to show the concentration of the whisky and the amount that he puts into the glass. Therefore portraying his tolerance to alcohol, making his stereotypical 'alcoholic man' look more effective and real.
We also used an establishing
shot of the room so that the audience can see how messy the room he
lives in is, as well as the many beer bottles lying around, and the
police documents on the couch. This adheres with the representation
of a male, as we can tell the stereotypes of a woman being very clean
and tidy where as men are supposedly messy and gross, as well as the
fact that it is a gender convention to have men drinking beer and

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