What kind of institution would produce your film?

by 22:54 0 comments
Why would your chosen company wish to make your film?

Vertigo Films would make my film because they are a small British film production and distribution company that have been very successful in thriller/crime genres which is what my thriller is. They are also local, based in London. They're mission is to create and distribute commercially driven independent cinema. This works conveniently with my thriller as we are independently filming and creating our film, as well as us being able to spread the word of our thriller via internet uses i.e. online posters and ads.

What other films have they made in a similar vein to yours?

Vertigo Films has produced several outstanding films that have been successful in the box offices that are similar to my thriller idea. The movies they have made vary between thriller and crime i.e. The Sweeney, which got a nomination for a British Independent Film Award for Best Achievement in Production, The Football Factory, which won a Kodak Award for Best Cinematography, Spring Breakers, winning over 10 awards pertaining to the Production and Cinematography. All of the latter are crime based films that Vertigo Films produced and achieved high ranks in doing so. They have also created thrillers i.e. Monsters, which won British Independent Film Award for Best Achievement in Production, Best Technical Achievement and Best Director, I'm the Angel of Death is a crime and thriller which is similar to my thriller. It was very successful which is why I think my thriller would also be successful.



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