How a Music Video relates to the Album Artwork

by 05:11 1 comments
  • What connects the song to the album?
- The album artwork is shown on the TV screens in the video
- The album artwork is on the drum kit
- His clothes are the colour scheme of the album cover
- The word 'presents' works with the TV aspect in the video
- American Idiot - American Flag
- Use of low angles makes it seem like they're pretentious 
  • Is this successful? If so why?
- Yes, it is very. All linked to the album artwork constantly reminding the audience of the album.

  • What connects the song to the album?
- Video shows all of the band like the cover
- Iconic costumes and hairstyles are shown in close ups
- Obvious Uniques Selling Point
- Tattoos shown throughout
- Cricifix around main singers neck relates to the cover
- Use of the colour black connotes to rock
- The performance element connects to the ribbons show on the cover



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1 comment:

  1. Again an excellent extra post, clearly showing your research into the industry. Well laid out and explained. However you could add how this will influence you.
