Music Video Idea #1

by 00:03 0 comments
Song: All Right Now
Band: Free

How I see the video:
I imagined the video being set in a typical American High School where the main singer is watching and admiring a girl smiling and standing on the street of the school. This would therefore be staying true to the lyrics of the song being "There she stood in the street Smiling from her head to her feet" then cutting back to him walking towards her. As the chorus begins we cut to the band in the studio singing the chorus where we will see close ups of the instruments and musicians. Just as the chorus ends and the next verse the camera will be on a drown and show a birds eyes view of the band on a record. This will then zoom out and become the main singer placing a needle on the record and turning around to the girl at his house. Then again staying true to the lyrics of the song "I took her home to my place Watching every move on her face". Then we follow the conversation in the song. The Chorus we see the band again, and focus on the base and then guitar solo, but in a larger and different setting, like a concert and there are fans and she is there.

The artist must look or adhere to the stereotypical 70's look as the song is very obviously set in the 70's through its sound. They will have to look a bit messy and dirty (scraggly). They would resemble artist such as Pink Floyd's members, The Allman Brothers Band members. There will be 4 members in this group piece each playing different instruments. However they all must resemble a member of a 70's band and portray the 'hippie' 70's look.

In the music video there will be a studio performance in which the band will be wearing more fancy yet still 70's. They will be wearing bright coloured suits with tight shirts.
As they are band members, props such as electric guitar, bass and drums will be needed along with an older looking microphone.
this is a video that will allow us to see the difference between the instruments in the 70's to the ones we have nowadays.

I also pictured the band performing this song on a large record player which will then be used as a link onto the next scene where the main singer is trying to woo the girl he is singing about by putting a record on.

The video will be mostly literal and portray the comical yet romantic elements that band portray in their sound.



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