Choosing a new song

by 23:30 0 comments

Due to the fact that our song being too popular we decided to choose a song that is not as popular.

We went away and each found two songs each to pitch to each other and choose a song.

I pitched the song "Away Frm U" by Oberhofer. I think that this song works very well with the idea of lost boys and we also found that it would look more in sync seeing as though the other song did not sound very much like full band where as this song does.

I also think that the 1975's song Lost Boys works very well as the song title fits the description of our music video idea as well as the song having a band element. That way we can have a good amount of film and content to fill up the time in case of lack of other elements.


I chose this song because I love the score and I think that it will go really well with our ideas for the performance element. When I listen to this song, I can really easily imagine the band being projected onto the tents in the forest. I think that the style of the song fits with the style we wanted to go with and that the song itself fits with our two contrasting locations: the forest and the city. The lyrics go: "Now then mardy bum, I see your frown, And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun, And it goes off, And out come all these words, Oh there's a very pleasant side to you, A side I much prefer." These lyrics link to the city and the forest as they represent two sides to the world, and I imagine that the lead singer is talking to our fairy girl who will be in both locations. The girl is our link to the lyrics, and the link between both locations.
I chose this song because a) the title is a summertime sentence of our whole idea, b) the lyrics describe our idea without making it too lyrical: "I wanna get lost with you, it's thing I wanna do, Get out of my mind with you, So come on over", and c) they style of the song matches the darker side to our idea that the lost boys and fairy girl have lost themselves and given up on society. Again I can see this song working well with both locations and with the projections on the tents. I think that this song is really good for our entire narrative as its taking a typical type of song: a love song, but putting a grungy spin on it.

I can imagine this song working really well with our narrative, characters and locations because it has such a simple rhythm and structure to the song as well as being about such a typical thing, thus allowing us to make it as abstract as we possibly dare.



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