First Concept Idea #2 + Feedback

by 03:02 0 comments

A band made up of 4 boys/men who are very nerdy and give off a Beatles vibe.
This is a very quirky video with funny elements such as the disappearance of people and psychedelic backgrounds to make the video suit the song as well as fun to watch.

This music video would have the quirkiness of a typical indie video, however it would have the performance style of a rock band, which I think creates a cool balance.

They really liked the idea, and out of the 3 ideas, this was voted the best one.
The only critique that they had would be that it could get repetitive and a bit boring if they continued to do the same thing over and over again.

I understand that it would get repetitive however, there are many things we can do in the video that would get progressively funnier and possibly even build into a narrative through the funny moments. This would allow the audience to build an opinion on the band and relate to their humour as well as their quirky music.



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