Analyizing Music Videos

by 07:37 0 comments
What Do You Mean - Justin Bieber
Genre - Pop 

This music video shows how Justin Bieber is changing his image as he grows older he is keeping his target audience as they grow up as well. There are quick and slow cuts that match the song. He is shirtless and there are a few frisky moments that shows elements of sex. This will mean the video will get more views because "sex sells". It also shows love and trust which allows the audience to have a positive view on him, and possibly even a romantic view of him.

Goodbye Chanel - Foreva
Genre - Indie
Although this song does not have an official music video it released a video of them singing in the song and it is edited and cut to look like a real music video. There is nothing fancy like, lighting or anything that shows that they're famous and amazing. This video adheres to the conventions that indie artists are very chilled out and don't care about the fame and the money because they're all about the music.The artists also don't look very intimidating which means that the audience can relate to the artist and almost feel like they're their friends because the editing of the video has made it seem like the viewer is in the same room as the artist.

Wassup - A$AP Rocky
Genre - Rap
This video is a typical representation of what a rap video looks like. It represents, or shows the kind of life that rich famous rappers have, there are close ups on money and girls as well as very expensive brands such as Porsche. The wide angled shots allow everything to look bigger and more impressive therefore making the rap artist look more rich. There are also very odd locations, i.e. outside a house sitting on an expensive car holding on to a dog, in the bath tub while two girls make out next to him and press their bums up on the steamy glass. This makes the artist look scary and gangster like.

Don't You Find - Jamie T
Genre - Indie Rock
This is another example of the artist showing that they're all about the music because although there are other things happening in the video, he is constantly playing and caring about the music that he is producing. The girl who dances also shows the odd and quirky side to this artist which shows the meaning of the song. There is nothing flashy or expensive looking, therefore adhering to the 'indie' style of artist that he is. The set is rather dull therefore no glamorization of his life is being made which makes him seem even more humble and caring for his music.



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