Ollie Allgrove

by 14:28 0 comments
Ollie Allgrove is an Executive Producer for "Passion Pictures". Passion Pictures is a small independent studio, its a multi award winning studio, including an Oscar award.

Ollie started with working on Feature Films being a runner then being a first AD and eventually a production manager. He also has worked on music videos, commercials and TV documentaries. They focus a lot on animations which is the core of their business and their most famous piece of work is the meerkat ads. They also did a few music videos for bands such as Joe Lean and Goldfrapp.

"Our job is to tell a story - the piece must speak to the artist"
The music industry has changed tremendously over the last 10 years. It has gone from music videos being a large part of the bands image, to virtually disappearing to now being back to a large part of the bands image. Due to YouTube nowadays and the access to Music Videos for free has changed the way the industry works, however it has not stunted the music industry's process. The amount of "views" one gets on their music video on YouTube, allows the industry to see how popular the artist actually is and what their target audience prefers. It changes the expectations of the band, the industry and the viewers. Due to this Music Video have changed their purpose, they are no longer another way to make money, they are now a form of advertisement.

Who makes the call?
The commissioner?

Usually it will be the commissioner, the guy on the record label, who will make the literal call, however the artist also can have input on which production company they use. The production company will hardly ever approach the artist. The commissioner has a lot of power over both of the others as he is in control of how their artist is represented, therefore they tend to take over.

What does the artist want/need?
These things will allow the artist to become more popular and have a successful career.
  1. Hits/views
  2. Controversy
  3. Noise
  4. Impact
  5. Recognition
 Ollie told us that there are basic steps to making a music video. Those being:
  • The Brief
  • The Treatment
  • The Shoot
  • The Edit
 All of these steps are very important and will determine a well planned out and effective music video, as opposed to someone who said:
"We can just fix that in post!"



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