A cork board with different pictures on it then bringing the artist and his girlfriend into different ideas.
There would be different situations:
girl running in field guy with guitar watching obviously in love with her
picnic feeding each other
chasing each other in the field
seeing each other across a road, he will be wearing ripped jeans and his guitar on his back, she will be wearing a long hippie like dress and flowers in her hair
looking at the stars and them holding hands
sitting on top of an old car watching the sun go down
This music video would fit in perfectly with the genre as it conveys the love and relationship between two people, as well as being very indie style.
The use of the earthy tones, brown, orange and beige bring a hippie vibe that the song gives off.
Cork board idea can be tacky and overdone.
Also its very hard to do.
Cornfields would be hard to find.
They thought it was a cool idea over all and they liked the way the whole idea was thought through and explored in detail.
I understand that it could look tacky and has been seen before, however with the different ideas that I have the video would have its own individuality to it. Firstly, a lot of the video is a play on words, therefore it would be very cleverly made where the object being said at that point appears in the screen, as well as the overall look of the video would change as the memories would have a filter over them to signify to the audience that the sequence would be happening in the past.
Here is a short video I made, with the similar video filter I would have in the music video https://instagram.com/p/n96_EhzWh4/
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