Rehearsals/Audition (13/10/15)

by 14:31 0 comments
What did you do?We organised an audition day where the different guys we picked for our music video came in and worked together. We gave them different instruments to play and saw how good they looked and what kind of energy and vibe they would bring to the group dynamic as well the entire music video itself.

We auditioned 5 different guys:
Jonty Harrisson
Alec Heritier
Hugo Field
Callum Henderson
Ashen Page

We then put them in different groups to see what would be suitable as an overall look for the band as well as which instrument would look best for each person:


We also took pictures of them together to see how they would work as a band:

This audition really helped us make some final decisions on casting for the band and we decided to go with Callum as the Lead, Ashen as the guitarist, Jonty as the bassist, and Alec as the drummer. 

What improvements do you need?
We need to make sure that each boy can pull off playing that instrument, because not all of the play the instrument that we assigned to them, so we will need to make sure we have a few more rehearsals before shoot day. We also need to make sure they become better friends so that there is a good group dynamic. 



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