Thriller Opening Sequence Idea 2 - The Girl Who Cried Wolf

by 14:52 0 comments

Emma, ever since she was young was a prankster, now at 20 years old she is a world renowned ballerina who still lives with her mum. She has morphed her life into one single focus, ballet. This results in Emma having no time to go out with friends or do anything a normal 20 year old would do. Due to the pressuring and hard work from her teacher and mother, Emma becomes a nervous character with a hint of a mental disorder as she slowly reveals signs of her going mentally insane. After a difficult night of rehearsals and abuse from her mother she decides to go out and meet some of her old friends. Her and her friends reminisce about the times when Emma used to be fun and used to be the best prankster, as she would claim to have some ridiculous disease that everyone would worry about and think was real. After the fun died down, Joe, one of Emma's oldest friends takes out a baggie of drugs. It is not indicated what the drug is, only that it is cheap and mixed. Emma's friends give her some of the drugs and peer pressure her into taking it, even though Emma has never taken drugs before in her life. Emma is overwhelmed and in the spur of the moment takes the drug. She then begins to get the effects of the drugs (reflected in camera work) and we see a quick fade to black from her point of view. Over the next few days Emma worries about what she has taken and feels weird things beginning to happen to her body. She starts getting nose bleeds, as well as spasms of the stomach, dry mouth, and bluish coloured nails and and lips. She tells her friends about this but no one believes her due to her past as a prankster. The symptoms get worse and worse as she realizes her body is slowly deteriorating, but no one believes her which leads to her mental insanity. After 3 days, she dies from drug poisoning.
Opening Sequence

A young Emma is playing a prank on her friend. You can hear screams from another room and using a point of view shot you are approaching the screams as emma's friend. There is a moment of tension and climax/build in the music as you walk in the room and reach to see under the covers and Emma has fake blood all over her face and screams to scare her friend. This will scare the audience and to show that it is a prank Emma will burst out laughing.



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