Building my Website

by 01:52 0 comments

I made this website on and I made it on my favourite band the 1975. I looked at different websites that were made for bands of the same genre as the 1975 to find the conventions of a website for an Indie Rock Band. I found that the most common website home page was a large image of either the album cover or the band, this can be seen on websites such as Death Cab for Cutie, Arcade Fire and The Black Keys.

This why I decided to include my main heading as a picture of the band with their band name at the top. I also found that many of the websites have their logo in top left hand corner of the site, such as the original 1975 website, the Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand
however when I attempted to include a logo by going into My Site, then down to Themes and Logo, it looked out of place and odd. However this may be a useful tool for when I build my official website. I then began to make pages for my website, as many of the other pages I visited had options such as About, Tour, Music etc. These included Oasis, Blur and The Strokes.

By making a page I went onto the My Site section, scrolled down and found pages. I then added media by clicking the Add Media button and inserted text in the space provided. By making a page the viewer is then able to access that page on the pages bar. It is important not to make a blog post, as it will not become a page that your viewer can access but more of a short post that will appear on your homepage. This is done by going on the My Site section and scrolling down to blog posts, there you can insert text and media to make a short post about the band.



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