Location Scouting (15/10/15)

by 00:30 0 comments
What have you done to organise your location?
My group and I arranged o go to the location where we wish to shoot (peaslake woods) which is near one of the boarding houses at school and is part of school grounds, therefore we do not need to get any special permission on the premises.
When we went to the Peaslake woods we did a test shoot, so we did some of the things that we want our band to do in our video. We also took several photos of the location to get a good idea of where we can put the different tents and props that we want to appear in our video.

 Our Test Shoot ^

Issues we may encounter:

Due to the fact that we will be filming in Peaslake as well as in London and at school, we need a designated driver (a teacher) who will be driving us on that day to make sure we are all able to get to the location with all the necessary equipment as well as our props. We have organised that our media teacher will be driving us with a school minibus, however if he can not do it there are other people in the media department who are willing to drive us and supervise our shoot day.

Because we want to shoot during the night time we will need generators, flood lights as well as electricity to make sure the projectors work. We need to make sure we have enough batteries for all the different lights, we will be using battery powered fairy lights and other props. Due to the fact that we are so close to the Peaslake Boarding House we will be able to run back to the house to get electricity and anything else that we need.


If it does rain on our shoot day, we have decided that we will continue filming and hopefully the footage will be good enough to use for our video. We think that it would be interesting to see how things would look if it was raining. However, if this is completely unexpected and we don't have any covers for the camera, equipment and the actors we will run back to the Boarding House and have shelter for everything and everyone.

Do you have any Back up ideas?
Fran said that there is a small enclosure in the fields next to her house that would be used for our back up location for the video. Fran lives only 30 minutes away so it would be easy for us to drive to the location and get all the equipment there without loosing too much time. 



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