Reflecting on the Storyboard (6/10/15)

by 01:36 0 comments
When looking back on when we made our storyboard, I think we did a very good job of organizing who was going to do what, as well as everyone in our group having a very similar idea of what we want our music video to be like in our heads. This made our story board look more fluid and understandable, however we could have added a few more shots to add a few more detailed points to the timeline so that when it came to the storyboard we could have drawn it more easily, instead we had to look back and add more shots.

We found that we needed to include more close up shots of the singer and the band because, due to the fact that we are introducing a new artist, we want our audience to be able to properly see the band memebers faces, and give a clear image of what they look like. This will then allow the audience to remember them better and recognize them in a different setting, i.e on an album cover, website or any type of social media

We also found that we had to choose a specific lighting as we had to fill in the storyboard, and we talked through certain lighting's however we did not feel that any specific type of lighting was quite necessary. We decided that we would come to organizing the lighting closer to the day because we also need to see how the band look together and if any lighting is really necessary. Due to the earthy vibes of the song and the music video idea, we wouldn't want anything too flashy or fluorescent, but maybe some yellow or earthy colours could possibly be interesting to see on the band in the studio.
 Another improvement we made to the music video when making the storyboard was our decision to extend the wood scenes. We decided to have more of the video being shot in the woods, mainly because that is the essence of the lost boys idea. We want more interactions in the woods and between the band members which i why we decided on having more props and closeups on those things, along with different sequences between the band members. The fact that all of this is in the woods will also bring the audience back to the idea that this band is very down to earth and "all about the music."

Another change we made was to bring the girl/fairy to the woods as well, therefore she has the journey of going from the city to the woods and then meeting the boys and interacting with them. We thought this would be much more effective for the overall video, as well as tying in the two characters and setting to make the video flow better and to avoid any confusion from our audiences. We added a fews shots of her walking through the woods, and then meeting the boys.

 Our final change to the music video is that when we were story boarding we decided that we were going to minimize/take out the shots of the projections, mainly because there is a possibility that the projections might not work out and if we have an idea where the projections take up a lot of the narrative and video, we might then not have enough footage for the whole video. Therefore we took it our of the storyboard to make sure that we had enough footage without it and then when it comes to the production and post production, we can see if the projections worked as well as deciding whether or not we want to use them and edit them into our music video.



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